2024 National High School Champions

South Kamloops School, British Columbia

Join the Ethics Bowl Student Organization

Are you a student? Do you want to join the team that makes the Bowl a reality?

The College Ethics Bowl is Here

A whole new challenge, with higher stakes and higher rewards. Eligible to post-secondary students anywhere in Canada.

2024 Junior Bowl Champions

Congratulations to Tecumseh Vista Secondary School of Ontario for winning the Junior Bowl

The High School Bowl

Canada’s longest running Ethics Bowl, a one-of-a-kind opportunity for high school students to hone and wield their critical thinking skills with the most pressing contemporary issues.

The College Bowl

2025 will kick off Canada’s first ever College Ethics Bowl, eligible for post-secondary students across the country. With higher stakes and higher rewards, it is the Ethics Bowl as it has never been done before.

What We Discuss: THE Cases

Every Ethics Bowl season students grapple with the most pressing questions of our time. See below for some past cases.

Good Friends with Bad People

A.I, Authenticity, and the End of Art

Freedom of Expression in Legislature

How We Discuss: The Ethics Bowl Way

In our complex and everchanging world, mic-drops, virality, and victory by domination are ineffective at reaching the truth and clarity we seek. And that is why the ethics bowl believes in a better way.


2024 Ontario Regionals
University of Toronto Mississauga

The High School Ethics Bowl is a unique opportunity for students to hone and wield their critical thinking skills.

The Bowl connects students with faculty from institutions across Canada, serving as an introduction to the calibre of post-secondary and professional worlds.

Students first compete in a Regional Bowl before advancing to the High School National Championships, held at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.





British Columbia






New Brunswick

Nova Scotia

Looking For More Ways To Get Involved?

Ethics Bowl relies on volunteers to make it a reality. We are grateful for your recognition and support.

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